Memes and Haiku

Our age condemns inquiry

Our age condemns
Inquiry beyond faith’s pale
As sin.

Memes, In Memoriam Eleanor of Aquitaine
The Paris years, 1137-’47

On King Arthur’s myth

How myth sustains ghosts!
Bury the Sibyl’s adage.
Let Arthur be dead.

Haiku, In Memory of Eleanor of Aquitaine,
On the reach of the Sibyl’s adage

Ah, Time…

Ah, Time,
You thief in the storehouse of memory.
How you crowd and cloud the brains!

Memes, In Memoriam Eleanor of Aquitaine
Fontevrault 2003

Famines in Normandy

Fall fell fruitfully.
This year it saved the poor from
Death at hunger’s bowl.

Haiku, re. Eleanor of Aquitaine
Famines in Normandy, 1190s